Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Voyces release a Benefit CD for FARA

Next week, The Voyces will release a benefit CD called, "A New Day Never Faraway." One hundred percent of the money will go to The Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA).
In the past, the band has hosted two fundraisers for FARA.

When I first heard about this, I wanted to know why The Voyces were involved with benefits such as these. When I saw this latest news on The Voyces website, I wrote and asked Brian Wurschum about this. He told me that his cousin-in-law had this disease, that not very many people have ever heard of Friedreich's Ataxia, and that he did not feel he could do much but wanted to do something. He went on to tell me about some of the other people who are afflicted whom he had met at the concert fundraisers, and about the profound impact meeting them had on him.

Then I ordered my copy of the benefit CD.
You can read all about Friedreich's Ataxia here:
And you can buy the CD here:

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