Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ode to The Voyces

Impeccably harmonic indie rock band The Voyces have been one of my ipod's only constants for the better part of the past six years. My haphazard discovery of this fulfilling entity came one lonely night way back when at Arlene Grocery in the Lower East Side in New York City. I was only there to please a wishes of a woman I no longer know. And it was on this night that my relationship with her came to a bittersweet conclusion. I sat in the crowded bar completely alone. She had just dumped my sorry ass. A band was getting set to play and I wanted nothing to do with the noise I was certain would ensue. A guy began playing his guitar, the room silenced, and the light dimmed. Soon the band behind him began performing and what I heard that night brought about all kinds of changes in my life. One original song flowed into another. Who are these people? I was lost in their songs in a way that was highly unusual for me and I needed to own everything they released. Why have I never heard of them before? I asked someone sitting at a table next to mine who they were and he shrugged.

"We laughed so hard in that courtyard, were you high that day?
How could someone know perfection, turn, and walk away?"

The song that grabbed me and turned me into a lifelong fan was Were You High That Day? and when the song was finished I could not move for a long time.

I learned all about the group that was on stage that night and have followed them rigorously ever since. At the time of this writing they are not playing live, which is a shame, because they are recording a new cd of music, which is great news. But their hiatus has prompted this lifelong fan to create a blog about them.

I will add much much more to this site as time allows. In the meantime anyone interested should look at their own website:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story! Kudos for making this website. I have been a fan of Brian's music for years. I used to see his old band play all the time. I caught a Voyces gig the last time they were in California and it was phenomenal.